Friday, February 26, 2010

The Power Wheels Dune Buggy

The Power Wheels Eliminator is the most fun and well made dune buggy that you'll find anywhere for those adventurous kids of yours.  Dune buggies are great for off road fun, racing, and rough terrain climbing.

If you're looking for a ride on toy for your kids that is "cool", fast but safe, and safety conscious then look no further than this great dune buggy.  This ride has a 350 watt motor that is completely battery operated - there's no need to fuel this one up.  It's very quiet and runs up to speeds of 10 mph.  This is fast enough for the kids to have fun without being too fast to be dangerous.

This ride is very durable with its steel frame.  The throttle and brake controls are hand controlled.  It has rear disc brakes and a safety flag.  This is a the perfect vehicle for off road terrain because it has a reduction drive that provides lower torque climbing and high torque gearing.

I have to say that I wasn't sure that I was a fan of the Power Wheels Eliminator until I saw one in action at a friends party.  I always thought that they were unsafe but this buggy has a side roll cage and padded bucket seats with a seat belt.  They're fast enough for the kids to have fun with and slow enough for parent piece of mind.

P.S. This is a great video that will show you what they're all about!